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Saturday, May 16, 2009

NPD Results – April 2009

Super MarioJr Blog-Lastest NPD Results

Here are the NPD Data results… and the numbers are crazy! The Nintendo DS lite/Nintendo DSi tag team destroys its rivals while the Wii is not that far from its rivals. Also, the Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and PSP comes in there respectful places.



Nintendo DS series: 1,040,000

Wii: 340,000

Xbox 360: 175,000

Playstation 2: 172,000

Playstation 3: 127,000

PSP: 116,000


On the software side, Nintendo eats the top 10 with 6 games for Nintendo’s console (3 for the Wii and 3 for the DS). The Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 have 2 each.



  1. Wii Fit – Wii: 471,000
  2. Pokémon Platinum – Nintendo DS: 433,000
  3. Mario Kart Wii – Wii: 210,000
  4. Wii Play – Wii: 170,000
  5. The Godfather II – Xbox 360: 155,000
  6. Resident Evil 5 – Xbox 360: 122,000
  7. New Super Mario Bros. – Nintendo DS: 119,000
  8. Mario Kart DS – Nintendo DS: 112,000
  9. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith – Playstation 3: 110,000
  10. The Godfather II – Playstation 3: 91,000

My thoughts:

Like I said, these numbers are crazy. Although the gaming industry fell by at least 5% in March, the Nintendo DSi basically killed the rest of the home/portable consoles. In terms of the Wii though, the rest of the consoles are showing signs of catching up (well… at least the PS3 and PSP). In Japan, the PSP and the PS3 have been beating both the Wii and DSi with 1st and 3rd place respectfully. However, this week, the DSi and Wii over took those places. This PSP-PS3 tag team overtake lasted for a few months but now has been stopped. However, it may restart… but on second thought… my predictions were that the Wii would prevail later this year… maybe after E3?

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