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Monday, June 29, 2009

3 WiiWare, 1 Virtual Console, and 1 DSiWare available for download: June 29, 2009

Super MarioJr Blog-Nintendo Shop Update

This week on the last “Nintendo Shop Update” of the month, we got 5 weird, but fun, games: 3 WiiWare games, 1 Virtual Console title, and 1 DSiWare game.

For WiiWare

For Virtual Console

For DSiWare

Nintendo Channel

Nintendo Channel Digest Video: Week of June 29, 2009

This week’s highlights:

  • The Conduit
  • Rabbids Go Home
  • EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis
  • Madden NFL 10

Monday, June 22, 2009

3 WiiWare, 1 Virtual Console, and 1 DSiWare available for download: June 22, 2009

Super MarioJr Blog-Nintendo Shop Update

This week on “Nintendo Shop Update,” we have 3 WiiWare games, 1 Virtual Console title, and 1 DSiWare game.

For WiiWare

For Virtual Console

For DSiWare

Nintendo Channel

Nintendo Channel Digest Video: April 22, 2009

This week’s highlights:

  • The Conduit
  • Exictebots: Trick Racing
  • EA Sports: Grand Slam Tennis
  • Let's TAP

You’re one week away from losing your Club Nintendo status.


Check your browsers because if you are at platinum or gold status (or at least trying to), all your elite status coins (the coins that determine your status of regular, gold, or platinum) will reset to zero. Your regular coins will be left alone, but your elite ones will not.


Of course, if you have an account (if you don’t have one, click here and GET IT NOW!) if you reach platinum or gold status by June 30, you get a “special reward.”


Now, what’s the special reward you ask? Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t know yet. In fact, no one knows yet. Nintendo hasn’t even made up there mind about it yet. However, shortly after June 30, if you have gold or platinum status, you will receive an e-mail stating what the Club Nintendo reward will be. You have the option to decline or accept it (hopfully you will accept it) and you will also have have a limited time to accept it.


As for me, you ask? I am at Platinum status! Take a look!



Now I can kick back and relax until June 30. Then I'll get the special reward, and show it to you, and rack up my wallet for next year.


If your not on gold or platinum, I suggest you refrain from entering the codes and registering them, so that you have a better chance into getting up to platinum next year. Same goes to people who are in platinum or gold.


For more info about Club Nintendo, please visit, http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/club/en/faq.jsp

Rockstar Games announces Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for (not for Nintendo DS because has already been released for it)… PSP. Disappointing.

Well… this is disappointing.


Rockstar Games, maker of the popular Grand Theft Auto series, has announced something very exciting… for the biased Sony fanboys. It appears that Rockstar Leeds and Rockstar North will be developing and publishing Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars… for the PSP. Aren’t you happy Sony fanboys? Are ya? ARE YA!


What’s worst is that it will also be available on the PSP Go! and these Sony fanboys will… and I REALLY mean this in a bad way… SUPPORT the PSP version of the game all the way. As in force those little heads and minds of 14-45 year olds to buy it and try to buy enough copies for this game to get to the top 10. And, of course, since downloads are very popular on any console… it will.


Now, I am not saying that the PSP sucks and I am not trying to be biased about anything. It’s just that I hate fanboys in general. But the people that I hate the most… Sony fanboys. Microsoft fanboys are bad enough… and I am disappointed that there are some Nintendo fanboys as well. But Sony fanboys are the worst! Just because there systems are more powerful, they will turn you down if you like something other than Playstaion.


They will continue will this torture until you are forced to go against everything you believe in and turn to Playstation and even THEN you will still be put down. And, before you know it, you will become a Sony fanboy as well: playing Playstation consoles, using Sony Essicon cell phones instead of Motorolas or iPhones, using Sony Vaio laptops, even downloading songs from the Sony BMG store instead of retail or iTunes (which you should know that iTunes is better then BMG).


But anyway, the only difference is that it will have a widescreen view, updated graphics (although it will still have the overview arcade view feel to in instead of the modern third-person view), and all new missions. I bet they will be putting in something like a 32-player online play and 16-play local wireless play… oh and it will be meant to be together with PSP Go!.


Some company they are.

Friday, June 19, 2009

“Activision treating Sony’s future” and “Nintendo really loves the hardcore… it’s just that the hardcore really hates Nintendo”

Well hare is some interesting news.

Activision, maker of Guitar Hero, has threatened to cut off support from the PS3 and PSP completely and give out more support to the Xbox 360—and Wii!—if Sony doesn’t cut the price of the Playstation 3 by 2010-2011.

More interesting news.

It seems that Nintendo DOES like the hardcore… however, the hardcore is not supporting them. For example, despite that MadWorld and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars very high reviews, they never made to even lick the NPD top 10. And, I fear –not just them, but me too—that The Conduit—that is coming out in a matter of days—will go down the same line as MadWorld and GTA: Chinatown Wars.

I have got to say… I am very disappointed about you hardcore gamers. You guys just can’t seem to appreciate Nintendo’s games that would come out OR the third-parties—except any Mario, Zelda, or Metroid games. All you guys think is that the Wii is a casual system and the rest are hardcore.

Well, I got NEWS for you. It’s sorta the other way around.

Look at how many casual titles are coming for the 360/PS3. If you look at it properly, you’ll see that there are more casual titles then ever on those systems. Add Project Natal and Playstation Motion Controller and you got a casual-lineup.

The Wii on the other hand will have more hardcore games in the coming months like The Conduit, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, and Dead Space: Extraction just to name a few. Add games such as Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Metroid: Other M and you have gotten one of the best line-up ever made for Wii.

But really… look at the web pages above for more information about how hardcore gamers don’ support Nintendo enough and how Activision is pressuring Sony to cut the price of the PS3 or else it’s bye-bye Guitar Hero 5.

Monday, June 15, 2009

3 WiiWare, 1 Virtual Console, and 2 DSiWare available for download: June 15, 2009

Super MarioJr Blog-Nintendo Shop Update

For the first unofficial summer “Nintendo Shop Update,” we have 3 WiiWare games, 1 lone Virtual Console title, and 2 DSiWare apps.


For WiiWare

For Virtual Console

For DSiWare


Nintendo Channel

    Nintendo Channel Digest Video: Week of June 15, 2009

This week's highlights:

  • The Conduit
  • EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis
  • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10

Sunday, June 14, 2009

NPD Results—May 2009

Super MarioJr Blog-Lastest NPD Results

Well, here are the latest results for May 2009… and they are worst then April’s.

For the hardware side, it looks like the Nintendo DS lite and the Nintendo DSi are both eating the PS2, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, and… there I said it… Wii… together. of course the DSi, DS lite, and Wii are all in the top 3 places though.

Nintendo DS series: 633, 500

Wii: 289, 500

Xbox 360: 175, 000

Playstation 3: 131, 000

Playstation 2: 117, 000

PSP: 100, 400


The software side of things are a little harder to swallow. UC 2009 Undisputed (just the Xbox 360 alone) punched Wii Fit. While EA Sports Active was close but couldn’t managed to beat Wii Fit, which is supposed to be the fastest-selling game on any console for the year. Wii Play, Mario Kart Wii, and Pokémon Platinum seem stable though.


  1. UFC 2009 Undisputed—Xbox 360: 679, 600
  2. Wii Fit—Wii: 352, 800
  3. EA Sports Active—Wii: 345, 800
  4. UFC 2009 Undisputed—Playstation 3: 334, 400
  5. Infamous—Playstation 3: 175, 900
  6. Pokémon Platinum—Nintendo DS: 168, 900
  7. Mario Kart Wii—Wii: 158, 300
  8. Punch Out!!—Wii: 158, 900
  9. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged—Xbox 360: 120, 700
  10. Wii Play—Wii: 109, 800

My thoughts: Well… I’m speechless. I would never expect three things: 1. UFC 2009 Undisputed managed to beat Wii Fit (although I did think that the Xbox 360 version would be able to beat the PS3 version), 2. EA Sports Active wasn’t enough to beat Wii Fit, and 3. Infamous would beat Wii Fit for this month. Anyway, for the hardware, May would be one of the weakest months for the industry’s year… so don’t expect high numbers. But you should have expected high numbers with the Wii… not the Nintendo DS… well that too, but high enough to fend off its rivals’ consoles and not as high as the Wii. And with this economic recession happening, that could be one of the main reasons behind the Wii’s year-over-year sales fall. Time for a price cut!

Monday, June 8, 2009

2 WiiWare, 1 Virtual Console, and 1 DSiWare available for download: June 8, 2009

Super MarioJr Blog-Nintendo Shop Update

This week on “Nintendo Shop Update,” there are 5 titles: 2 WiiWare, 1 Virtual Console, and 1 DSiWare… I think you’ll like this DSiWare game if your like creating things like levels, etc… I do!


For WiiWare

For Virtual Console

For DSiWare

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BIG line-up of titles for Wii, WiiWare, Nintendo DS, and DSiWare.

Super MarioJr Blog logo-E3 2009

Well, the Nintendo E3 Conference is finally over… and boy, it was a crazy one… the best Nintendo conference yet! You can watch it on Nintendo’s official website for all things Nintendo @ E3: http://e3.nintendo.com/index.html

I will give you the summary later… but what’s more important is the sole reason for E3’s existence: the games! There are a lot… and I mean… A LOT of games that are coming out for Wii, WiiWare, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo DSiWare. Some are old classics, some are sequels to popular franchises, and some are just down-right weird… but all of those games are great.

I will make the links of 6 games announced today (based off of Nintendo’s E3 website).

For Wii and WiiWare we have…

For Nintendo DS and DSiWare, we have…

Monday, June 1, 2009

2 WiiWare, 1 Virtual Console, and 1 DSiWare game available for download: June 1, 2009

Super MarioJr Blog-Nintendo Shop Update

This week on “Nintendo Shop Update,” there are 2 WiiWare games, 1 Virtual Console title, and 1 DSiWare game.

For WiiWare

For Virtual Console

For DSiWare

E3 2009 is finally here!

Super MarioJr Blog-E3-

Well E3 is finally here!… well, everyone in Los Angelus is sleeping right now (at the time of publishing this post).  You’ve, watched E3 ‘08, you’ve waited for almost a year, and now you’ve finally waited for this moment: E3!


Super MarioJr Blog-E3-What is E3

Now all of the game reviewers (like me) have been taking about E3 for the last few months and now you may or may not be wondering, “What is E3?” Well, I’m here to give you a brief introduction of what E3 is.


E3 is basically the largest and most important gaming convention in the entire gaming industry. It attracts more than 70,000 people a year and this year will be the largest ever.


E3 stands for: Electronic Entertainment Expo. It started on in 1995. And now, it has become the largest gaming convention in gaming history. It is the convention where Nintendo unveiled the Wii, where Sony announced the PS3, and where Microsoft released a teaser trailer of Halo 3.


Super MarioJr Blog-E3-List of E3 Conferences

Now to tell you when the E3 conferences will be. I will tell you the date and time that all 5 companies will be hold their conferences.


But although I am giving you the conferences dates and times right now, I will only give out a schedule for just Nintendo’s E3 conference.


Super MarioJr Blog-E3-dates of E3 Conferences

Well, here is the E3 Conference list. Remember, all of my posts that are titled “E3 2009” are the posts that you want to go to at E3 week. And all of the major announcements and updates that were announced at E3 will also be titled “E3 2009”. Happy E3 week!